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B - (宴会) - Large, meals with and .大型的庆祝性聚餐,与家人和朋友共度节日时光。

L - (灯笼) - , often red, are hung to the hope for a and a happy life.装饰性的红色灯笼,象征着对美好未来和幸福生活的期盼。

E - (红包) - Red money are given as gifts the to bring good luck and for the new year.传统习俗中,春节期间送红包,以带来新年的好运和祝福。

S - (春天) - The of new , , and the of , hope and .春天是新的开始、更新和大自然的苏醒的季节,象征着希望和成长。

S - (象征) - and the good , , and .春节期间的各种符号和传统代表着好运、繁荣和幸福。

I - (香) - The of is a the to pay to and seek for the .在春节期间,烧香是一种常见的做法,用来向祖先致敬并祈求家庭的祝福。

N - New Year (新年) - The marks the of the lunar new year, with it new and .春节标志着农历新年的开始,带来新的机遇和祝福。

G - (聚会) - come to the , unity, love, and .家人团聚庆祝春节,培养团结、爱和团聚的氛围。

S - (春联) - Red with are hung on to bring and good luck for the new year.在门口挂上写有吉祥话语的红色横幅,带来新年的祝福和好运。

In the of the , the word "" the with loved ones, the hope, the red good , the of the new of , the , the of for , the of the NEW YEAR with its , the of to unity, and the of to and good luck for the year ahead.


